Celebrity Fun

Drawn to Personalities.

Pete Rose caricature


We all love celebrities. They’re the “beautiful people” because, generally speaking…well, they just are.

That’s why it’s fun to draw them, as well. Mad Magazine, through the years, has always been an inspiration to caricature artist Joel Kweskin in the way their artists have captured celebrities’ likenesses and personalities in all the parodies and satires the magazine does.

Joel loves drawing celebrity caricatures, as well. Which can lend themselves to both corporate and personal application.

Above, Pete Rose and friend; the late McDonald’s Chairman Ray Kroc; Clint Eastwood, and Simon Cowell. And, here, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, redux!

Below, are Michael Jordan; the late Carrie Fisher and Heath Ledger. Followed by this selected group of Harrys, on display at popular Charlotte eatery Harry’s Grille & Tavern; plus Martha, Rachael, Emiril and Elvis, the cover of an event planners association program. And then there’s the late Kirk Douglas, James Brown and (first) President Bush.

Want you or your event guests to be “immortalized” as well? Bring in caricature artist for hire Joel Kweskin.







Mobile: 704.575.8850

E-mail: jdkmcm@gmail.com

Charlotte, North Carolina 28270

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